SOLIDWORKS Simulation 2024 Top Enhancements

SOLIDWORKS Simulation 2024 Top Enhancements
  • Jan 04,2024

The SOLIDWORKS Simulation 2024 update brings a host of exciting enhancements, empowering engineers, and designers with advanced capabilities for virtual testing and analysis.

Check out the top 10 new capabilities in SOLIDWORKS® Simulation 2024

1. Enhanced Bearing Connector

  • Easily create custom bearing connectors by specifying stiffness in compression, tension, and bending.
  • Improve simulation accuracy by adding custom compliance to nonlinear and large displacement studies.

Benefits: Achieve easier, more accurate setups with faster simulations by using powerful connectors.

2. Mesh Performance Improvements

  • Experience an accelerated, blended, curvature-based mesh process for parts and assemblies with identical bodies.
  • Use the improved mesh algorithm to identify duplicate bodies and parts and reuse the same mesh.

Benefits: Save time with a more robust and efficient mesh process.

3. Save Model on Solve Completion

  • Enforce saving your model file after meshing and after the analysis completes.
  • Prevent the loss of data in case of unexpected system crashes or power outages.

Benefits: Protect valuable data from unexpected outages.

4. Excluding Mesh and Results When Copying Study

  • Save time when creating duplicate studies by excluding the mesh and the results data.
  • Set up multiple load case or contact what-if scenarios faster and more efficiently.

Benefits: Set up multiple simulation scenarios more efficiently.

5. Accuracy and Performance Enhancements

  • Apply new, more accurate methods for remote displacement and rotation to large faces with the distributed connection.
  • Run larger linear dynamic and p-adaptive studies faster.
  • Solve studies with large surface-to-surface bonded interaction sets with better memory management.

Benefits: Perform more accurate simulation studies and solve faster.


6. Enhanced Batch Manager

  • Set up and execute multiple batch jobs with the streamlined Plastics Batch Manager.
  • Optimize performance by allocating the maximum number of CPUs available for each batch job.

Benefits: Set up and execute batch jobs more efficiently.

7. Hot and Cold Runner Domains

  • Access dedicated hot and cold runner domain configurations under the Domains node.
  • Easily assign hot or cold runner domains to components of your model.

Benefits: Easily assign hot or cold runner domains to model components.

8. Compare Results (New)

  • Display and compare four different results plots from one study using split-view panes.
  • Save an image of the split view with multiple results plots to easily communicate results with team members and clients.

Benefits: View and compare multiple plastics simulation results more efficiently.

9. Meshing Save Option (New)

  • Save the mesh settings of a study without creating the mesh.
  • Preview the surface mesh to confirm its adequacy before creating the solid mesh.

Benefits: Save time when using saved mesh settings.

10. Enhanced Injection Location Advisor

  • Determine the target number (up to 10) of injection locations required to successfully fill your model with the enhanced Injection Location Advisor.
  • Obtain injection location recommendations for up to 10 gate locations.
  • Preview the fill pattern to gain early insight into your simulation.

Benefits: Save time by streamlining the distribution of injection locations.

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